Quote Originally Posted by shiphen View Post
We're now in 2020. Still nothing?
Looks like it.
Downloaded the latest trial and it still has the same issue.
I went with the solution of having the application set the dpi, but as others have mentioned, a lot of the copy in the UI then gets cropped.
So I decided to dig in the registry settings. This is what I could find:

Disclaimer: Don't do this lightly. If you are not familiar with the registry editor, make a backup of your system first as you can cripple Windows if you don't know what you are doing.
It's also a good idea to export the branch of the keys you are about to edit so if you do mess it up, you can import the old settings again.

If you are still confident enough to go through with this, open the registry editor and go to:

Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Xara\XtremePRO x64\17\Options\Fonts

Make sure Xara is closed before making any changes to the registry.
Pretty much every key ending with "_Size" that has a 7, 8 or 9 value, I changed it to 4.
As far as I can tell, that fixes most of the cropping issues. This may not be an issue if you have a large monitor, but on my Surface Pro, it is now super tiny. But at least I can actually read it.

And if you find the selection handles to tiny, you can set them here:
Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Xara\XtremePRO x64\17\Options\Selection Blob Sizes

If you are just using a mouse, just doubling all the values is probably enough.
For example, I set "Selected Blobs" from 3 to 6.

If you are using a pen and want an even larger hit area, multiplying all the values by 4 may do the trick.
Same example, I set "Selected Blobs" from 3 to 12.

Of course, you can always customize it with other sizes to suit your preference.