Quote Originally Posted by handrawn View Post
i draw my roughs with a blunt 3h pencil - a blunt pencil will draw thick and thin in rough, i am not wasting time sharpening it - i can cover the wall with paper and see everything without the limitation of zoom on a monitor

like me you probably remember the days when a systems analyst would first ask 'is this a suitable task for a computer' ...

I haven't heard the term 'System Analyst' for a long time!

For those not familiar with the term, it was someone who looked at the 'bigger picture' but generally didn't get their hands dirty writing computer code, just told those poor coders what to do and flung a few flowcharts and diagrams their way.

All of us should look at our computer use because a lot of tasks (and this may be one of them) are best approached, initially at least, with a sheet of paper and a pencil.