Apologies for being tardy.

"I find screens very much a personal preference affair...Wander into Big Box store to see
the difference of the ones on display."
"your eyes and your viewing are your guide"

Subjectivity is a crutch for those that can't read my mind. Really...must I do everything?

When I render an image in mandelbulber or structure synch or any fractal app I would like
the design/colors to grab me by the cojones. When I render a scene in pov-ray I want to
be blown away by the richness of the colors. When I use a uv editor to apply textures to
faces I want that mesh to be alive with the textures. Everything I do now involving color
"seems" to be wildly under whelming. It does grab me. But by the throat (as in cough, cough).
On the other hand am I a victim of my own imagination? Have I bought an expectation from
Nvidia marketing that cannot be realistically met?

Thanks everyone for giving me advice from your considerable knowledge and experience.
At the end of the day if I pony up and my expectations are met it's on me. If I'm disappointed
it's on you.
