According to Wikipedia, while IE once had the lion’s share of the browser business, it currently accounts for only about 6% of usage around the world. (Some estimate that it’s closer to 3%.) And of that, a substantial majority is IE11, the last version Microsoft released. Usage of IE10 and earlier is around 0.24%. Since they introduced Edge, even Microsoft doesn’t fool with IE. So, the question is how long Xara (or any other software developer) should cater to such an infinitesimal audience.

Rob-Xar mentions that it would be much easier for the Xara developers not to have to do the testing to accommodate IE. I would add that for us users, ignoring IE10 and earlier from consideration would make our websites much more efficient (i.e., not exporting of many of the bitmap files). It would also allow the developers to concentrate on bringing things up to speed Chrome, Safari, and other modern browsers.

It would be advantageous to the software engineers, much better for the users, and the only ones who might notice a difference are the 0.24% who still use IE10 and earlier. It seems like the ones making the decision should take that into consideration.