
I just recently needed to create some SVG icons for an app project and I thought I'd use my nomal go-to solution for anything graphic: Xara (P&GD 10)

The thing is the SVG files seems to always contain alot of stuff, not just the graphics I marked for export. An example: I created two concentric circles, marked all and exported it as SVG. There was nothing else on the page. Still, the resulting SVG is filled with all kinds of stuff:

<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>
<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN" "http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/1.1/DTD/svg11.dtd">
<!--Generator: Xara Designer (www.xara.com), SVG filter version:>
<svg stroke-width="0.501" stroke-linejoin="bevel" fill-rule="evenodd" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" version="1.1" overflow="visible" width="22.5pt" height="22.5pt" viewBox="0 0 22.5 22.5">
  <marker id="DefaultArrow2" markerUnits="strokeWidth" viewBox="0 0 1 1" markerWidth="1" markerHeight="1" overflow="visible" orient="auto">
   <!-- REF_ARROW_STRAIGHT (-2) -->
   <g transform="scale(0.0092592592)">
    <!-- 1/108 -->
    <path d="M -9 54 L -9 -54 L 117 0 z"/>
  <marker id="DefaultArrow3" markerUnits="strokeWidth" viewBox="0 0 1 1" markerWidth="1" markerHeight="1" overflow="visible" orient="auto">
   <!-- REF_ARROW_ANGLED -->
   <g transform="scale(0.0092592592)">
    <path d="M -27 54 L -9 0 L -27 -54 L 135 0 z"/>
  <marker id="DefaultArrow4" markerUnits="strokeWidth" viewBox="0 0 1 1" markerWidth="1" markerHeight="1" overflow="visible" orient="auto">
   <g transform="scale(0.0092592592)">
    <path d="M -9,0 L -9,-45 C -9,-51.708 2.808,-56.580 9,-54 L 117,-9 C 120.916,-7.369 126.000,-4.242 126,0 C 126,4.242 120.916,7.369 117,9 L 9,54 C 2.808,56.580 -9,51.708 -9,45 z"/>
  <marker id="DefaultArrow5" markerUnits="strokeWidth" viewBox="0 0 1 1" markerWidth="1" markerHeight="1" overflow="visible" orient="auto">
   <!-- REF_ARROW_SPOT -->
   <g transform="scale(0.0092592592)">
    <path d="M -54, 0 C -54,29.807 -29.807,54 0,54 C 29.807,54 54,29.807 54,0 C 54,-29.807 29.807,-54 0,-54 C -29.807,-54 -54,-29.807 -54,0 z"/>
  <marker id="DefaultArrow6" markerUnits="strokeWidth" viewBox="0 0 1 1" markerWidth="1" markerHeight="1" overflow="visible" orient="auto">
   <g transform="scale(0.0092592592)">
    <path d="M -63,0 L 0,63 L 63,0 L 0,-63 z"/>
  <marker id="DefaultArrow7" markerUnits="strokeWidth" viewBox="0 0 1 1" markerWidth="1" markerHeight="1" overflow="visible" orient="auto">
   <g transform="scale(0.0092592592)">
    <path d="M 18,-54 L 108,-54 L 63,0 L 108,54 L 18, 54 L -36,0 z"/>
  <marker id="DefaultArrow8" markerUnits="strokeWidth" viewBox="0 0 1 1" markerWidth="1" markerHeight="1" overflow="visible" orient="auto">
   <!-- REF_ARROW_FEATHER2 -->
   <g transform="scale(0.0092592592)">
    <path d="M -36,0 L 18,-54 L 54,-54 L 18,-18 L 27,-18 L 63,-54 L 99,-54 L 63,-18 L 72,-18 L 108,-54 L 144,-54 L 90,0 L 144,54 L 108,54 L 72,18 L 63,18 L 99,54 L 63,54 L 27,18 L 18,18 L 54,54 L 18,54 z"/>
  <marker id="DefaultArrow9" markerUnits="strokeWidth" viewBox="0 0 1 1" markerWidth="1" markerHeight="1" overflow="visible" orient="auto">
   <g transform="scale(0.0092592592)">
    <path d="M 0,45 L -45,0 L 0, -45 L 45, 0 z M 0, 63 L-63, 0 L 0, -63 L 63, 0 z"/>
  <filter id="StainedFilter">
   <feBlend mode="multiply" in2="BackgroundImage" in="SourceGraphic" result="blend"/>
   <feComposite in="blend" in2="SourceAlpha" operator="in" result="comp"/>
  <filter id="BleachFilter">
   <feBlend mode="screen" in2="BackgroundImage" in="SourceGraphic" result="blend"/>
   <feComposite in="blend" in2="SourceAlpha" operator="in" result="comp"/>
  <filter id="InvertTransparencyBitmapFilter">
    <feFuncR type="gamma" amplitude="1.055" exponent=".416666666" offset="-0.055"/>
    <feFuncG type="gamma" amplitude="1.055" exponent=".416666666" offset="-0.055"/>
    <feFuncB type="gamma" amplitude="1.055" exponent=".416666666" offset="-0.055"/>
    <feFuncR type="linear" slope="-1" intercept="1"/>
    <feFuncG type="linear" slope="-1" intercept="1"/>
    <feFuncB type="linear" slope="-1" intercept="1"/>
    <feFuncA type="linear" slope="1" intercept="0"/>
    <feFuncR type="gamma" amplitude="1" exponent="2.4" offset="0"/>
    <feFuncG type="gamma" amplitude="1" exponent="2.4" offset="0"/>
    <feFuncB type="gamma" amplitude="1" exponent="2.4" offset="0"/>
 <g id="Document" fill="none" stroke="black" font-family="Times New Roman" font-size="16" transform="scale(1 -1)">
  <g id="Spread" transform="translate(0 -22.5)">
   <g id="Layer 1">
    <path d="M 29.903,9.755 C 28.995,15.896 33.242,21.62 39.383,22.529 C 45.524,23.437 51.248,19.19 52.157,13.049 C 53.065,6.908 48.818,1.184 42.677,0.275 C 36.536,-0.633 30.812,3.614 29.903,9.755 Z M 42.503,1.451 C 47.995,2.265 51.794,7.384 50.981,12.875 C 50.167,18.367 45.048,22.166 39.557,21.353 C 34.065,20.539 30.266,15.42 31.079,9.929 C 31.893,4.437 37.012,0.638 42.503,1.451 Z" stroke-linejoin="miter" stroke="none" fill="#ffffff" stroke-width="1.318" marker-start="none" marker-end="none" stroke-miterlimit="79.8403193612775"/>
    <path d="M 38.646,20.406 C 43.616,21.722 48.719,18.756 50.034,13.786 C 51.35,8.816 48.384,3.713 43.414,2.398 C 38.444,1.082 33.341,4.048 32.026,9.018 C 30.71,13.988 33.676,19.091 38.646,20.406 Z" stroke-linejoin="miter" stroke="none" fill="#ffffff" stroke-width="1.468" marker-start="none" marker-end="none" stroke-miterlimit="79.8403193612775"/>
I have tried all three types of export options but the result seems to be the same.

Is the SVG export feature flawed or what is going on?
