Hello. My brain fried a bit too but only on the part where he spoke about the swatches. AI sometimes confuses me. Everything else is understood.

1. CMYK Editor: When designing for print, I start off and continue my color mode on CMYK. I go to options for that. I open the color editor and edit in CMYK only. I never switch it.
2. Monitor: I bought a monitor with true color, for this reason, a year ago due to the fact that new monitors are made differently because they want to sell these new calibration devices to make a profit. So im ruling out the monitor.
3. Simulation: I don't export the XAr file to AI with simulated colors checked. Maybe I should.
4. Swatches: I will try again and report my findings.

So here's my printing process with my manufacturer.

1. I design in Xara in CMYK.
2. My Pakistan located manufacturer requires me to send him jpegs, not pdfs. So I export all garment panels in jpeg from my CMYK Xar file one by one. tedious. but works.
3. Heres where the problem lays... He takes my jpegs and places them in Corel Draw instead of the Roland printers software only to export them as jpegs again which sometimes gives a crazy overall hue to the file, especially with blue, green or camo colors.
he states that he has to do this because jpegs I send him from Xara look black and white in the Roland software. Don't ask me why. He doesnt even know why. Dude has an $11,000 Roland printer. I forget the model number.

corel Draw is the problem. So I told him to use Xara. He said we will get the same black and white problem. He tried using my jpegs directly. I dont know why this happens. who knows?

So I told him to us Adobe Illustrator. He was reluctant at first because him and his crew dont use Adobe Illustrator and dont know how. In Pakistan Graphic designers are taught Corel Draw and given the software free.

4. The manufacturer prints from the exported Corel Draw jpeg files in the Roland printer software. The panels get printed ( dye sublimation ) and they go to the cut and sew process. Viola..product. Im not saying what due to advertising and thread policies.

So I will experiment again with XAr to AI and see what happens.
And My manufacturer has agreed to use AI rather than Corel Draw.
You guys are awesome. Thanks for helping.