Ok so there's a lot to go through am I'm still going through it all so don't worry if what you have mentioned isn't below, it just means I haven't gotten to it yet I'll give some comments on some suggestions already:

please push the file name into the export box for whatever type of export--but just PDFs
Should be doable I imagine.

A lot of what you said Gary is....well quite big stuff There's a lot of good requests however I fear they would be lost here. Ideally I'm looking for small tweaks that would help with workflow that are easy to do, like what Mike has suggested above.

Sticky option for Content Catalog so the user can import several objects at one time
You can hold Shift while clicking import to keep the CC open after

wheras xara's non-destructive bitmap editing is all well and good, many times it is necessary to 'fix' a bitmap first by making a bitmap copy [eg in order to trace] - a one-click internal copy function would be nice, such as is available for export
I thought there was a right-click > create bitmap copy option?

Resizing text in variants. I spend more time checking between the variants than actually making them look how I want them. I then have to 'Stop Sharing With Variants' which kind of defeats the whole idea.
We have an article here on how to resize text in one variant only: https://help.xara.com/article/154-li...cross-variants. Text across variants is annoying though I know and may fall under the web stuff we're looking at to improve.

Have the flip vertical and horizontal buttons always available. Or let me at least add it to my custom toolbar.
There does seem to be a running theme of having access to options in this thread without having to switch tools constantly, and in which case the panel that Jonopen very nicely drew up would make sense, but that would be a huge undertaking and I would struggle to get any sort of approval for something like that. No harm in trying I suppose.