Quote Originally Posted by BerndR View Post
Now a i have a litte problem with a radio button :-(
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<div id="MyGeschlecht">

<input type="radio"; id="rbmaenlich"; checked; style="height:15px; width:30px; name="Geschlecht";>
<label style="font-size: 1rem; fontWeight = 'bold'; font-family:Verdana;background:#FFECECEC;border-radius:8px;" ; for="rbmaenlich"> männlich</label>

<input type="radio"; id="rbweiblich"; style="height:15px; width:30px; name="Geschlecht";>
<label style="font-size: 1rem; fontWeight = 'bold'; font-family:Verdana;background:#FFECECEC;border-radius:8px;"; for="rbweiblich"> weiblich</label>

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On this code a can click on both radio button... but why?
Normal only one radio button can by active...
You have given both the same name (name="Geschlecht").
