Hi all,
I have a client who does amazing quality car photography. Currently, I have 3 variants: 1480, 960 and 480px.
All is good but I would like to reduce it to 2 variants because adding large numbers of new mages is a PITA - they all are pop ups so you can see the images at full screen so if you have a large grid of say 60 images, they have to be in reverse order - the 1st image of the grid has to be last in the page&layer gallery, the 2nd image second-last etc.
The client wants the images to be high quality, full screen on MacBook pro's, I pads and I phones.
I phones 7 & 8 have a screen res of 1334x750 and 1920x1080 depending on which size screen you choose.
Ipads vary - 2048x1536, 2224x1668 and 2732x2084.
MacBook pro is 2880x1800.

So what 2 variant sizes would best cover this range given that the client wants the pics to look as god as possible.
You can see the current site here: https://www.deskleineibst.com/

Many thanks,