Acorn, I just did go back and grab the Nabble embed code. Had originally done it using the Nabble widget, but that was clunky, so killed that and just drew a box and made it a placeholder, pasting in the embed code. Then I made a smaller placeholder on my narrower variant, did the same, leaving it as just ID="nabblelink"; upon doing previews, I got the same result as before, with the variant just showing "Loading" and nothing else happening. Changed that placeholder to ID="nabblelink1" and got the same result. The form referenced in the embed code is my unique identifier for my test Nabble forum, only difference, per your suggestion, is the addition of the digit 1 in the ID. The site in question can be seen at, and it's on page 5. Wide screen looks OK, but narrowing it to where it picks up the variant will show a blank page 5. I've registered on the Nabble forum, and will see if they can suggest a solution. If I get it solved, will post here.