Quote Originally Posted by sorengen View Post
I'm making a site for a client and I can't begin to understand why text hyperlinks I've created on the Home page are not working. In fact on the live site it appears the text has not been linked at all! Can anyone help me figure out what I'm doing wrong? Here is a link to the site: meritaatherlyengen.com As well, I'm attaching the working file. The non-working links can be found under the section called PenPoints of Light, each 'Keep Reading' as well as the bolded topic is hyperlinked... yet does not show it on the live site!
Thanks in advance for your help!
A quick check and all of the Keep Reading paragraphs have been grouped and are no longer text. Ungroup and Soft-group instead to get your links back.

Also, a small plea, never save your master design file as "index.xar". You will do it a second time and obliterate any original. Instead, give it a meaningful name like "Penpoints of Light.xar".
