Hello Yellowbird. I am sorry we are all so laid-back in responding to your thread. Goodness, I see you posted 4 months ago and no one but good old Gary replied. I like your websites very much, and even though you say the last one is very busy, I don't think you could make it less so as you have so many products and services to offer. That website must have taken you weeks – in fact ALL three of them must have taken you many weeks slugging away at the keyboard. I have made some very large websites over the years and I absolutely appreciate how time consuming and brain-draining they can be. I no longer make biggies, and prefer to stick to smaller service websites rather than ones with products. I am amazed that you are able to make such large websites with your medical condition (just spent an hour on your website!) and I commend you for your colossal output . Such an enormous effort of productivity should surely be rewarded - come on Jerry, put another ring on that finger. (Thirty years is a long time to be engaged!).

I like Jerry's Furniture site, but may I suggest that you remove the Sticky component from the slideshows on the Living, Dining, and Bedroom pages as the slideshows obstruct the information on the rest of the page, and on a smallish laptop it is hard to see it at all. But well done on three mammoth websites completed, Yellowbird. There is nothing wrong with my hands and I would not undertake the amount of work you have produced. You are amazing. Here’s cheers to you, and enjoy your day.