Lew, your image looks great. Very well done!

When I was a little kid my father spent a year in Egypt working as a UN Peace Keeper. When he came home (a great day) he brought a book about Nefertiti. I remember it saying she was still considered by many to be the epitome of beauty. Everytime I see an image of her my first thought is not her name "Nefertiti" but rather to think "most beautiful woman".

I just saw on CNN's website that they now believe Nefertiti's tomb may have been located - possibly intact - behind painted plaster walls in Tutankhamun's tomb. The theory is that a larger group of chambers may have originally been Nefertiti's tomb but when Tutankhamun died young, without a tomb having been built for him, they pushed Nefertiti's stuff into the back rooms of her tomb and blocked up & hid the entrances to those rooms leaving the front rooms for Tut & his death goods. It will be interesting if they open up those hidden rooms. I imagine it might not happen anytime soon as doing so will damage Tut's tomb.