Hi everyone,

Can someone please tell me if it's possible to add a color you are working with to the pallet. I always just use the program with the default pallet, but sometimes I go outside those typical colors and use a different color. When using that different color is there a simple way to just add the color to the pallet in use? My work-around is: I always have to pick the new object, and then grab the eye dropper and move it over a previously filled object of that same color in order to color a new object. It works, but is kind of a silly way around things and a waste of time. I'm assuming there is a simple solution. I figured there is a right-click process but no...so hmmm? Help anyone! I searched google and here in the forum but found nothing that says how or IF it can be done. I know I found how to make totally custom pallets, but I don't really need all that...or do I? Is that the only way? It seems goofy if it's only one or two colors you're talking about adding.

Thanks in advance for any help on this matter.
