Hi Acorn,

Thanks for all your suggestions, I will work through them and make some changes.

The live chat is a pain and I rarely have it turned on, when it is off customers can use it to email and 99% of the time they use that rather than the ‘Contact Us’ page, so I have left it for that reason.

I don’t understand about the review bubble as when I click it goes to the ‘reviews’ page.

Norfolk Broads
I like the idea of rollovers but how do I set them up?

Book Now
Totally agree ‘Availability’ page is the same and not needed but I kept getting customers contact me asking if I had availability and a couple complained that I didn’t have a page showing availability, so I added the page and since then do not get customers asking.

Agree not really needed. Will delete.

This page is only there for links to other sites that require a link on my site so I can get a backlink from theirs. I’ll have to have a look at it to try and improve it.

Mobile Variant
I moved the hamburger menu from the left hand side only yesterday because on a small phone the menu and social buttons were all so close together and difficult to select. Moving the social buttons to the footer will solve this and I can move the hamburger back to the left.

