Quote Originally Posted by Acorn View Post
yes there is.

Drop your MP3 onto your design canvas.
Decline AutoPlay.

Select the Audio Control bar and open its Placeholder body.
Remove the word controls and add an id. My example: <audio class="xar_meplayer" id="lorryreverse" src="index_htm_files/car.mp3" width = "100%" height="100%"/>
Resize the control to 30 x 30 px.
Keep it handy.

Now create a button or text link. here I am just going to describe a button with a click link.
In Link > Link to Web or Email address, put: javascript: document.getElementById("lorryreverse").play();

You can now do one of two things:

  1. Hide the control under the button and soft group both.
  2. Place the control to the right. I recommend this as when either it or the button is clicked, the Pause control is shown so a punter can quickly kill the raucous noise. Again, soft-group to keep things together.

Wow, thanks for the quick replies.

EB: I had tried hiding it under another image, but didn't like not knowing where it is and then couldn't figure out how to bring back to the front

Acorn: Thanks so much, will try that out... maybe a dumb question, but what does "soft group" both mean? ...Just learning Webdesigner 15