you are entitled to think what you like john - I do...

let me give you a quote from this very thread [post #222 webmaster aka kate moir], the bold is my emphasis:

Quote Originally Posted by webmaster View Post
Ernie I understand you and quite a few other TG regulars are disappointed that the recent updates don't address your particular usage, and I will certainly pass on your feedback and specific requests. But nb if your renewal is in April then you are also entitled to the December 2017 update (more info in the release notes @ and there is another one planned before your next renewal. If all 3 updates aren't persuasive for you, then please (everyone) bear in mind that renewals aren't required, you can continue to use the software after expiration of the Update Service, so what I always recommend is that you wait till you see enough things that are relevant to your particular use, and only update when the new features seem like good value for money for you.

Also I'll just float an idea that might be worth considering for some of you. As you know we migrated some of the pro illustration features into Photo & Graphic Designer with the November / December updates. If you aren't using any of the web features of Designer Pro you might want to consider changing to the (much cheaper) Photo & Graphic Designer.

Kate Moir