I just got the Web Designer Pro 15 and I'm already running into issues it seems.

I am using the Stylist website template and one of the first things I'm trying to do is change the Lorum Ipsum to the text I want. As soon as I copy the text and start to type I get the error saying that the layout changes I am trying to make are too complex. I press ok and either the program locks up and closes or it stalls and gives me the same error again. From this point I am unable to close the program or do anything else.

Has anyone else had this issue? What is going on?

The next thing I tried to do is change the text in the mobile version instead. Sometimes I am able to do so without an error popping up, but then the division of text moves down to the bottom of the page and will not move back up in its proper spot.

I don't know what to do to stop the issues so I can do at least something with the program.