Quote Originally Posted by webmaster View Post
....I have to tell you the image scaling change in v15 was actually intentional, not a bug, but following the feedback in this forum we are discussing this change again.

if this was an intentional change then it really does go to show that you have forgotten what it is that a whole sector of designers/artists/animators/etc do in the real world in your rush to cater for 'mom-and-pop' photo album creators and website builders

it beggars belief - what on earth was the reasoning in not giving option on this from the off?

has your code base really become that difficult to work with?

and this is quite apart from silly little issues like leaving out filters for PSD/PDF in P&G15

no-one is perfect, but these issues with releases have ceased to look unfortunate and are starting to look careless..

it's good of you to come back on these issues, thanks... but the impression the company is giving is not good from where I stand

and I agree with Mike... FWIW