Quote Originally Posted by nobbyy View Post
Hi Ron - many thanks for taking the time to share your excellent work with us all.

I think that there could be a real opportunity for you to market some of your solutions to the Xara community as you seem to have come up with solutions to some of the commonly requested features on this forum - databases, blogs, contact forms etc.

I would not dare to critique any of your designs, you have incorporated a range of excellent features without overdoing animations etc.

Couple of quick questions if you don't mind

1. On a number of your sites how do you manage to left align menu buttons and logos at the top of pages?

2. On your 'RonWilliams' site the 'Apps' page appears to stretch to fill the browser width - how did you achieve that effect?

Overall I think that you have done some amazing work and I am sure that your fresh approach will inspire a number of forum members.

Again sorry for a late reply, I don't get much chance to view the forum!

1. If you want your logo, menu, etc. to left, or right align on full screen width just use the following little trick I discovered:

Make your Logo/Menu or whatever other item you want to 'stick to top left or right of the page, 'sticky'
Place the item (if left side) relative to where you want it on the page (i.e. top for header item) and position it 'off the page but aligned with the page border edge'
When viewing the page in a browser the item will appear on the edge of the page.

Does not work with text (create an image of the text & use that)
If you have a few items, make them into a soft group or only the items touching the page edge will come in.

2. No trick here LOL, the Apps page is both embedded and also hosted externally, within the website (embedded) it only fills the page width (is in an IFrame), if you click top menu icon it takes you direct to App page & that takes you back to webpage when done.

if you need an example of the 'sticky' stay at top/left let me know and I will upload an example file.


P.S. Email me from one of my site links if you don't hear back from me on here as I don't check back as often as I should! But will try to more often in the future.