Hi, I use Xara Designer since years - in Version X9, most of time for creating designs and pictures. Now I upgraded to Xara Designer Pro X yesterday.
One of the reasons for the update was my interest in webdesign. I tried to create a website with one of the included templates and it worked. The sample sites look very good. So far ok.

All of the descriptions and samples are small sites, only an handfull of pages. My site, that I want to overhaul includes actually about 150 pages, multiple hierarchies in navigation and so on. Actual it is created and managed in CMS (Joomla). Adjusting its layout needs big knowledge in HTML, CSS ...

What I'm interested at the moment is: is Web-Designer the right tool to manage bigger sites, like mine? Is it possible, to create the layout and content of the pages with Xara designer and transfer them via web-designer to Joomla? Has anyone of you experience with similar projects?

I hope that you understand what I want and give me an answer. Thanks a lot in advance.