Quote Originally Posted by Wolfgang View Post
I could not agree more with you!

10 years ago, Xara was top of the line in vector graphics. Now it's just "meh" and almost every competitor does things better. Even the way cheaper and free ones.
Xara is leaning more and more towards their inferior, non-standard and - to me - less than useless "website creation".

The subscription model is moot too.
NOTHING new and valuable has been added ever after initial release. And what I sure don't need are more ugly and outdated templates for things I never use.

A program that calls itself "Designer Pro" should drop the whole webstuff and concentrate on better design tools. Xara seems to have no interest in designers though.
I was first attracted to Xara because of the vector drawing capability. Until now, I have not looked elsewhere. Any Web stuff is extra baggage in the Vector program for me. I create Web pages, using other HTML/CSS editors. I would love to see Xara concentrate more on vector drawing improvements, features and additional tools. Although I am not a professional designer, I have paid for several Xara programs, only to find the improvements/additions were only Web-related. If Xara has stopped working on the vector side of its editor, then I don't think I can justify further purchases - especially if it is cloud-based. I live in a rural area and my Web connection is sketchy.