Gosh... I must be... I don't know what? I've been so so so damn mad at Adobe and Corel over the last two years, that is actually feels better over here with Xara.
I think I'm ok with the XARA model? Maybe I wouldn't be if not for my past with Adobe and CD.

You buy Corel at a HUGE price, but then you have to subscribe TOO!... to get their subscription, pro, whatever, BS content. They get ya two ways!
Adobe just slowly skins you alive over time one layer at a time. To lazy for description on the how... but many of you know. Even a one app subscription which may not
initially not 'feel' like a too high price to pay, will turn into more money... yes... it will...

Those two seem to have masterminded/created a subscription service that can/will continually find ways to force you / sell you more and more and more if you want to do this and that and this...

Guess it's all relevant. When one starts to 'compare', is when one starts to find out... WHO'S SCREWING YOU THE LEAST! And as far as I'm concerned software companies
somehow, somewhere, someway, found a way to come together in some mass conspiracy to grab the end user by the billiards and squeeze month after month, year after year.

This may sound jaded but, you... we... the end user... will ultimately lose. As long the software cartel/consortium continue on their path. Some here make it seem that there are
so many options... but why stay if there truly were?

Anyway, I am slowly surrendering to the way things are, and just do what I can do with what is available. Sometimes ya gotta just raise the white flag...

[wow, what a pessimist]