Exactly, Peter. And you don't really need the convert to bitmap step in Draw. Just copy it directly to the clipboard, it will paste as a bitmap in Photopaint. The previous tip I gave also had an extra unnecessary powerclip to a bigger transparent rectangle. It is redundant, as the feathering in Photopaint goes inside, not outside the mask, so you don't need the extra empty space. The final step should also be to copy the feathered layer to the clipboard and paste it back in Draw. It would save you the trouble of having to find it and import it back to Draw.
This topic has been very helpful to me, at least. It forced me to learn Photopaint, and find a better way of doing something.
Now if they would just introduce vector feathering in Draw, life would really be simpler http://www.talkgraphics.com/images/smilies/wink.gif.