I am rebuilding a website previously created in Serif Webplus X8. The pages are long and have many photos as they record club events/activities plus displays at shows during the year. I have had no problems publishing the pages to the web in the past with Serif. However I am having 'issues' with Xara at present. I am using a RWD template (the website 'Vue theme' I downloaded) with two variants. I have checked that the text and 'smart photo grids' are on the 'mouse off layer'.
When I have been working down/creating a page I have checked the 'page review', to see if the site was 'ok', on a regular basis. If OK I then saved the page. On the last two pages I have worked on the following problem has occurred.
I have been adding a smart grid and photos, then a text section. All OK. I have repeated the process a few times and all was still fine. However, at some point on each page when I added another smart grid plus text and went to preview I could only see the menu plus a black band at the top of the screen, both of which appear to be on the pasteboard background layer. The rest of the page was not visible. However, when I check the 'mobile version' by reducing the window width, it is still present.
I have tried saving the file and exiting and then restarting Xara with no effect.
The page I am working on at present is 960 px wide by 39000 px long. The document has 24 pages, memory used is 809 MBytes, number of bitmaps 334, bitmap size 788 MBytes for what it is worth.
I have tried deleting the most recent work from each of the variants individually as well as in both but that does not change the situation and I still can not preview the page.

Any suggestions?
