I'm heavily into so-called 'retro' computer art and I find Xara's tools and ease of work perfect for this. I do also use quite a lot of photo manipulation in the program as well as using it for hand drawn art using a tablet (I'm primarily a comics/cartoonist type artist though I have formal education in graphic design), and so when I can, I do use Xara for hand-drawn illustrations as well. I currently only have PD-G version, but will be buying full Designer soon as I have lots of missed opportunities in web-design due to the slowness with which I code HTML and being able to work on 1 file type I'm already adept in and translated it seamlessly to internet UX design would be a huge advantage, and am looking forward to playing with this aspect at some point.

Thanks for the wonderful engine/tools. Personally, I'm still shocked people put up with much of what is out there when Xara exists. It still feels like working with the future of software despite it's been around for ages and the competition still doesn't 'get it'. Let's hope they don't, I love having a 'secret weapon' since I'm frequently asked by colleagues how I do some of the things I do and I just tell them I don't stick to the industry standards because standard translates to 'lowest common denominator' in my book.