Wondering if anyone has any insight into this. It seems that Bing (Microsoft) will not index images but Google will! I Have made many websites in Xara and no images get indexed with Bing, yet the sitemaps are accepted and web searches show that the pages are indexed via the site:example.com and all the pages show, well many do, but select images from the list and none show up! Has anyone have similar experiences?

One side note, only one website created with Xara that is not hosted on GoDaddy, but a seperate server, shows a few images, but certainly not enough! None hosted on GoDaddy show images.

Another issue...When I did a sitemap submission with Bing, and checked for errors with Bing Webmaster control panel and "Too many H1 Tags are present" as an error! It seems that the mobile variants that include the same H1 Tag are considered extra H1 tags, and errors accumulate? Should variants have alternate H2 tags in place and only one variant, say desktop version, have the necessary H1 tags?

website in question....www.cubahorsebackrides.com