Hi, guys. Haven't posted in forever here because Xara doesn't work in Wine (not the versions I own). I spent 5 hours reinstalling JUST DRIVERS for windows, so I'm not in a very good mood at 3am in the morning (by contrast, it took me less than 30 minutes to have a full linux distro discover and instlal drivers for this exact same computer...lovely what money buys).

That said, it IS nice to have some good vector tools again, but I noticed that it's been updated and in the update, somehow the warping tools have been deactivated. Is anyone else noticing this?

To recreate, just start a new page, draw anything you want and then use the shape painter tool and select a warp method. Any of them. They don't seem to work.
I'm using a wacom tablet, but it's worked with pen before, unless my memory's effectiveness is directly linked to my age, in which case there's a 63% chance I'm full of it when it comes to remember that it worked with a tablet.

Has anyone else noticed this or are the warp tools virtually unused by others? Come to think of it, I don't think I've run across any 'tricks and tips' articles concerning the warps...

Anyway, despite these problems, it's great to be back with Xara, I just wish Windows didn't have to join us.