Hi all,

One of the issues a routinely have with Web Designer is photo manipulation. In most cases, I manage to get a suitable solution. However, I am now trying to build a photo gallery with accompanying text that I can easily add too when I want to.

In order to make adding photos manageable, I am attempting to create a "template" group with a picture and a text box that is set to push. This allows me to equally space all the pictures on a page and then add to the bottom as I go.

In theory, I would copy an existing group, and place it in line, drop a new photo on it, and edit the text. Here is where the problem presents itself.

To make this work, the photo frames must be the same size,...no problem. However, each time I drop a new photo on it, the picture has to be manipulated so that the whole picture is visible. This upsets the frame size.

My question is, how can I make the photo shrink to fit the frame?

Thanks, Steven