Quote Originally Posted by Boy View Post
For instance, the other day Acorn came up with some code for a placeholder that required the object to have two names.
One was a specially handled Name: HTMLblocktext is intercepted by the application and directs along different code path. In Xara webland, a Name is the ID of an object (text or shape) or an Anchor. No two objects in HTML should ever have the same ID as code is allows to fire on the first instance and ignore the others. If you try to jump to a Name with more than one presentation, which one can you expect to land on?

Also, add individually, three Names to an object, say, Tom, Dick and Harriet. Only the first gets onto your HTML page.

A time back, I requested for HTML/CSS classes to be added for Names. This is now another special Name, HTMLClass="class list". This does allow multiple instances to be acted on. You would set up things as HTMLClass="Tom Dick Harriet". trying the same for IDs would present as Tom:32Dick:32Harriet.

In summary, we could have a "name" setting in the Page and Layer Gallery and this map one-to-one with the current Name ID.
I also proposed the same detail is copies to the Alt Text of an object as this is sensible accessibility delivery.
Both should be overwritten.

Names are equally powerful in the Print document.
