Basically, my question is one about the upgrade, I suppose. While I appreciate all the new options, this new content seems to be all bunched up in the 'INSERT' menu rather than browseable in the galleries. I downloaded the content packs, but they don't show up after install. Did I install right? Does anyone know of a step-by-step to load up the libraries into the quick panels where they actually benefit my workflow more? lol I got all used to the galleries on the right side, but now i have to double menu into this stuff.

Also of note, I noticed TONS of missing stuff that used to be in P&D 11 doesn't seem to be in either the new window/selection menu or the old gallery tabs...Call me crazy, but the demo files always inspire me to try new things when I go back to them, especially the demo illustrations. I still am in awe by the Oil-style vector painting that was in the demo files...

EDIT: I wonder if I can solve this issue by somehow combining my old 11 insteall with 365 install?