Hi, I recently bought webdesign pro 365 and have been messing around with some of the sites.

I have a couple of questions on the supplied sites.

When testing on my desktop I discovered web animations in the able theme that has texts and a logo that slide into place .
However when I export the site and load the site to my hosting space and I open the index page the text boxes are missing and do not slide into place.
This is happens with Edge, internet explorer, chrome, Opera, and Avant browsers. However Safari (on my PC) and even on my iphone the text slides in.
Can anyone advise how I could get them to slide and work on these other browsers.

On the 'Fresh' single page site when you view it in a browser and click on one of the fixed or stuck links at the top of the page the page moves down the site but the stuck menu bar partly covers the section you want to read. I was trying to find the anchor or name so I could move it and adjust this but I cant find them. Could someone suggest what to look for and adjust in this case.

Many thanks