After many hours trying to decide either to stay with Webplus or transfer my site (all 300 pages) to xara and even though there are many good things about Webplus I am now starting the process of rebuilding my site with WD 365. There are a few issues that I am not totally convinced with with 365, the lack of file structure (everything just being dumped into one folder and given random file names), I do not like the sliders that much (I want a plain slider with no fancy text backgrounds flying everywhere), there appears to be only one, the effects slider 2 but even with this, I cannot change the transitions. Other issues that I have I require the php file extension for Sitelok and WD will not let me change the index page to this extension....which means it has to be done after each time I publish, I wish there had been more done on the file management side of things instead of just appearing to concentrating on drag and drop and the responsive element as develpoment in 365 from WD11 took place, webplus is much much better at this. I would have also like to have seen master pages introduced as mentioned in previous posts, though setting one page up and the duplicating it is a work around it would have been a nice touch. If Serif had planned upgrades to Webplus I would have stayed with them and forgot 365 but because Webplus is no longer going to be continued (and that raises doubts about support), I have decided to switch. It appears that this post has been written just to slag 365 off....but that is not the case Webplus has issues but as I have said I with the developers of 365 had spent more time on building 365 into more of a proper web designer.