Is anyone else experiencing problems with mobile variants?! These problems are becoming the bane of my life..!

Here's my site -

1) Stretchy images. So I HAD a stretchy image on my Main variant that was causing issues with the mobile variant rendering a page as wide as the Main, but with the objects and texts going down the middle of the page (when I scrolled over). I went to the mobile variant, stopped sharing the image across all variants, and turned off Stretchy. Now, when I go to the page on my iPhone 6 iOS9.3, it appears blank, but I have to scroll left to see the page!

2) I published an article on Pulse on LinkedIn with a link to my site. Viewing the article in the LinkedIn app and following the link on my iPhone, I see the page, but it's zoomed in and I cannot zoom out!

The bottom line is, I want the mobile variant to render to the correct width of my device all the time. Allow zoom in, but not this ugly 'scroll-anywhere-sideways' thing that's happening.

What do I need to do to my mobile variants to make sure they render correctly?

My mobile variant page width is 480px.

Any help would be much appreciated!