It's extremely frustrating to work with shadows in Xara. You cannot select shadows by themselves in the the layer gallery. If I have a situation where I need to apply the same shadow to multiple objects, it would be nice to not default to red. It would be nice if Xara remembered the attributes of the last shadow you created. As it is, I have to select each shadow object individually and make a manual change by pasting attributes. If I make a change to one object, I then have to copy that object and paste attributes to all the other objects. This is made more complicated if I have done this to text objects. I might want to paste only the shadow attributes, but not the font or font size attributes. This gets tedious when you have to do it more than 5 times for multiple objects. It would be nice to be able to select shadow objects by themselves and copy and paste shadow attributes all in one shot.

Alternatively, it might be nice if Xara would generate a named "Shadow colour" so that you could select that color from the color gallery and change it that way.

I think I'd like to be able to select by shadow in the name gallery.

This method of only being able to change one shadow at a time is a big inconvenience. Especially when doing cast shadows and trying to get the angles all the same on all the objects.

What I would like would be a perspective tool, like with the mould tool where you can move the vanishing point to have it affect the object. If you have many objects with cast shadows, it would be great to be able to select the vanishing points and be able to center them all together and move them all together in order to control the cast shadow.