
I have successfully embedded many albums from google picassa into WD websites. WD11 is crashing every time I add one today, I have rebooted to see if this works - no joy.

I normally just copy the embed code and then paste into WD and it creates the gallery for me. When I do this today it caused WD to crash and tell me XARA WD 11 has stopped working. A problem has caused the program stop working and then it just closes down. I tried doing manually by creating a placeholder then adding the code manually and this did not work either.

The code:

<embed type="application/x-shockwave-flash" src="https://photos.gstatic.com/media/slideshow.swf" width="800" height="533" flashvars="host=picasaweb.google.com&hl=en_US&feat =flashalbum&RGB=0x000000&feed=https%3A%2F%2Fpicasa web.google.com%2Fdata%2Ffeed%2Fapi%2Fuser%2******* **************%2Falbumid%***********************%3 Falt%3Drss%26kind%3Dphoto%26hl%3Den_US" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer"></embed>

The asterisk part is the address of the gallery which I have removed from the code above. I didn't want to publish the address of the gallery here.

Can anyone see anything in the code that would make WD crash constantly? I'm not sure if Google Picassa has changed something that WD doesn't like or vice versa, I have added probably more than 100 of these galleries and they all work fine.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you