I need to create a large gallery of images - around 150 in total but it seems there is some limit on the number of images that the new xara gallery will hold. I have reached 84 but now the add button simply does nothing. I tried inserting it in the page and then going back into edit but it will still not let me add any images. I am not getting any warning messages. I then thought perhaps I could put a continuation gallery further down the page but xara doesn't allow me to add a second one and only offers to insert the one I have created already. I realise I could create a new page with a new gallery and link to it but that is going to break up the continuity as the images tell a story. Could this be some kind of memory issue - surely it doesn't hold all the images in RAM when in edit mode? I could experiment with dropping image quality if it is a memory issue - the only problem is I don't want the pictures to go below 600x800

I suppose I could try using a different gallery widget but this one seems the most suitable in other respects - also for consistency I would have to change the widget for the other 10 gallery pages I have already created

Can anyone offer advice or suggestions