and it's only gonna get worse. It's progressing from the single person who feels that there's a wrong-doing that they personally need to correct to now recruiting others to help, as in this California shooting from the looks of it. And tougher gun laws won't do a single thing except increase the number of guns stolen or illegally purchased. There are thousands of legally purchased and registered firearms in northern Michigan and very, very few assaults, homicides, murders. It's the mentality of the younger generation that is the issue. There will always be a weapon. Guns, knives, vehicles, bombs (what I fear will be on the uprise), sticks, stones....if there's the will there's a way

And watch the many videos of high school-ish aged kids and their total lack of respect for another person let alone an authority figure or even the law in general. In a weird way, it's good that video is everywhere because cameras don't lie. These kids, and their parents of course, declare innocence but video clearly shows the opposite.

An event that still has me wondering how kids are being brought up these days was the annual pillow fight at West Point; a tradition since supposedly 1897. In the last couple of years, students have been putting hard objects in the pillow cases. This past summer besides broken bones, 24 students received concussions. The academy at first said "no worries" but has just recently banned any future pillow fights. LINK Why would anyone want to inflict so much pain and possibly kill a classmate/friend?

Just wait until this narcissistic, self-righteous younger generation become adults and will use other means to knock down anyone who gets in their way.

my apologies for the rant. very sore spot with me. i don't talk politics, religion, or really anything else for that matter. live and let live; you won't hear me complain. but for the life of me, i can't understand this total disrespect that people have towards others.