Quote Originally Posted by pauland View Post
Am I the only one here that thinks InDesign is a very weird choice for anyone as a poster designer?
I dunno if you are the only one. But for myself, I don't find using a layout application an odd choice at all. I would have likely used PagePlus from the start myself, or QXP. If I had control of what I used that is. ID would have been fine, though.
Maybe the better route to Indesign from Xara is via PDF and Photoshop or Illustrator?
AI will not maintain layers. Cannot recall about PS for sure, but I don't think it does either.

But here is the point wherein I usually throw in that I try to use the application that I need to return work in from the beginning. An exception would be that I'll still most often do as much work as possible in XDP, even if that means getting it into the required applications at some stage to be finished off in those other applications.