I'm trying to find a slideshow which doesn't automatically cycle through photos. I'd like one with a left & right arrow, to allow forward & reverse through the images. Thumbnails above would be good, as would be fade, or slide in & out. Not really interested in it continually cycling through the thumbs in a loop though.
I'd like to be able to copy the slideshow widget to other pages, from one to another, and change the photos accordingly, without having to download it each time. Just in case the widget becomes 'obsolete' I can still use the same one on new pages, for the sake of uniformity.
Maybe I'm asking too much, I don't know.

I tried the “Fade Slideshow Top” version in the widget gallery. I set the auto scroll delay to 60 seconds, as I couldn't find a way to stop it. Every time I preview the sample pages, the first photo changes within 5 seconds, although the rest do wait for a minute.
If I could stop the first photo changing early and inhibit the looping of the photo group (so they don't keep re-appearing in the thumb loop) so it gets the end and stops, would be just fine.