Quote Originally Posted by matrix29bear View Post
I haven't heard the term "rescale" before. Do you mean "resample", alternatively "resize"? Which is quite different than resizing, which requires a unit of physical measurement to be possible...such as inches.

I don't care for the (occasionally involuntary) resampling the Make a Bitmap Copy and File>Export makes in Xara. Example=I assume (wrongly) that most of the images I import are 96ppi, but W3 has decided that 72ppi is the proper image resolution, especially considering all the HD mobile devices these days.

We need a standard, and this is a two-part request to address Matrix29Bear's and my request:

• Offer 72 ppi as an option in the Export box. Right now you have 96, which is great for Windows, which was a standard Microsoft came up with years ago, and 75 ppi, which I don't konw of anyone who'd use. Offer 72ppi, please?

• Use a better resizing algorithm than blurring and bilinear interpolation. The results are sub-par when compared to PhotoZoom, which offers a lot of fine tuning options ((free to Chrome users for Facebook, starts at $79 for plug-in) or Photoshop, which uses weighted bicubic interpolation as an option. I think this might what Matrix29Bear is called "fake resolution".

We really need advanced sharpening and softening features when resizing bitmaps, especially for the Web, where 1 to 1 is the true test of the fidelity of an image. Please consider using more advanced resizing algorithms, Dear Xara. It's important for not just for artists and picky-people. A good image is sometimes the only impression on the Web that visitors make about the quality of work people post.

I can compare a Xara resized image to one cranked out any day from PhotoZoom, and I think anyone with a good eye will see that PhotoZoom producxes a better resized image.

Respectfully, and offering suggestions to elevate an already great product,
