Quote Originally Posted by Psaumure View Post
Gary B. You may want to look into getting a new rendering engine if the one your using is not working properly. I know it took my some time to find mine.

Gary B. I found a tutorial on the mould tool for Xara in The Xara Xone. A guess tutorial by Tony I believe. Wow, it does have some power. That's one thing off my list. Looking forward to needing it in some of my drawings.

I'm still looking for some help with perspective grids to use with Xara. Tips, tricks, anything.

Gary, your still doing the labyrinth aren't you? Your mom is going to tell you to put your marbles away and go back to bed. Lol

I got the biggest kick out of Ludo. Ludo mell bad.

Thanks for all your help my friend. I appreciate all your support even though I pick on your rendering engine. Lol I don't think that I will be wondering off from Xara any time soon. I'm having to much fun.

Thanks again,
