Hi Mark, glad to see you back on the board. [img]/infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif[/img]

In case you've forgotten me, and my rantings about the initial trial release's bugs i was suffering from, i was the one having all the Fatal Error crashes. (Post titled "I Waited This Long For This!?") Remember? [img]/infopop/emoticons/icon_wink.gif[/img]

I've gone a downloaded the 1.0a release now though, as you suggested, and would like to congratulate you guys on doing a splendid job of ridding me of said bugs. Thank you, they have all gone... except 2.
These are not crash related bugs though, so don't worry! hehee BUT, they ARE somewhat of a nusense considering that Xara2 did not have them.

1) When opening a Template, XaraX is STILL adding 2 new colours to my default colour bar - 1 White & 1 Black (named "Black2").
Why oh why is it still doing this???
I have to keep deleting those everytime i start a project.

2) Same as above with opening a new Template - XaraX is STILL not remembering the last position of my Gallery palettes. Also an irritant, but understandably a minor one. But still... Xara2 remembered their last screen position just fine. Why oh why is it still doing this???

And that's all as far as i can tell. I've tried my best to crash the program, but to my glee was unable to. Bravo! [img]/infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif[/img] hahaa
And i mean it! I REALLY tried!

Let me know please if these were 2 of the things fixed in the new 1.0aa update ok?
Thanks a bunch!

Take care,