I searched for answers to these issues before asking but didn't come up with anything so I have to ask. I just finished up adding a new mobile variant to an existing client website. I am having 2 pretty serious problems though with it. One is exporting and one is display. I am using WD10 Premium. Also, I export to my computer and then I upload the files using a 3rd party FTP program FWIW.

1.) - Exporting. It will no longer export the mobile/variant page? On the initial export of the files it created a copy of each page with an _1.htm after them. So, I had 2 page options for each page...


There were 2 problems with the pages on display after exporting them however( see #2 below )so I deleted all the pages and data folder on my computer and exported the site again to hopefully correct the problems as I knew at least one of the issues is corrected by doing that. I hoped it would the other as well.. Unfortunately, it will no longer export the mobile variant _1.htm pages at all? No matter what I do they will not export. Just the main/regular .htm pages are exported now. I didn't change anything as far as any settings go either?

2.) - I uploaded the files after the initial export and discovered 2 display issues. 1 issue is something I already know how to deal with but the other is odd. There are 6 pages in the mobile version of the site. 2 of them displayed correctly but the other 4 displayed the smaller mobile variant page stacked on top of the regular sized page in both the regular version and mobile version( in other words it did it whether I was on my computer or my cell ). So both were showing at the same time with the mobile version on top and to the left of the screen.

I was hoping that exporting the site again would correct whatever glitch was causing the page stacking but as said in #1 it will no longer export the mobile variant with the _1.htm pages?

I am LOST as to what has happened and what to do to correct this? I ended up leaving the _1.htm files on the server and then uploaded the new regular pages and everything now displays properly on the computer and cell. I have some red X's where images are numbered different but it is only effecting 2 small spaces on the mobile version and can stay as is until I figure out what is going on.

I really need to fix #1 before I can see if just exporting it again clears whatever was causing the odd display issue with the 2 page versions stacking on some pages and not on others. I truly appreciate any help people can provide. As said earlier, I tried a search and didn't come up with anything. I am sorry for the length of the post as well. Just trying to give as much detail as I can.

Thank you very much in advance.