
I just finished a 12-page 4c folder for a client.
It will be printed at a company I frequently use and never had any problems.

The client had my PDF checked by them and they answered that "the resolution was too low, yet printable".
And they suggest a resolution of at least 300dpi.

But to the best of my knowledge, I exported it with 300dpi, on screen it's nice and sharp even at 500% zoom. Not only the text, but the images as well.
I used the same settings for every printjob there before and they always turned out very nice.

Also, I am not a total newbie and I more or less know what I am doing.
I just exported the file again, definitely in 300dpi and it has the same size and the same appearance as before.

Some of the images inside the folder may not have been 300dpi originally, but still big enough to print in good quality.
Is it possible that Xara (Designer ProX) exports the whole document at 300dpi, but "embeds" images in a different resolution?

Ist there a way in Acrobat (8.3) to check single images inside the document for resolution?
Strangely, Acrobat does not show me any kind of resolution for the document, not even under "Properties" ?

Any suggestions are greatly appreciated!