Hi all,
New to this forum. Actually just registered. Found it when researching if there's any solution to a particular problem I'm facing:
I'm ready to buy "Xara designer pro x10" but after double-checking with Xara, I won't be able to do what's shown in the following two websites using Xara:

Basically I want to be able to pump out many banners as fast as possible once the basic design has been done.

Is Photoshop my only option in this case?

Would be great if anyone could show me a work-around using Xara designer pro X10...

even if that's not possible, would it be possible to use Xara to do the banner design, and export it to Photoshop to do the trick (pumping out many banners with different headlines, images, call-to-actions etc) using datasets?

any help would be much appreciated!