Hello folks...

Ok here's the deal...

Ever since i installed the Xara 15 day trial i had nothing but fatal errors left-right & center...and then back to left again, just to make sure it was comPLETEly ticking me off.

I get the same error all the time.
Here it is for those who might know what it means:
XARAX caused an exception 10H in module XARAX.EXE at 0187:01425641.
EAX=00000000 CS=0187 EIP=01425641 EFLGS=00010212
EBX=025ef2a0 SS=018f ESP=0062efdc EBP=00000000
ECX=0062eff4 DS=018f ESI=025ef2a0 FS=345f
EDX=81d03000 ES=018f EDI=bff216ef GS=0000
Bytes at CS:EIP:
dd 1c 24 e8 78 77 04 00 db 44 24 14 89 46 30 dc
Stack dump:
00000000 01425634 0062f644 0173cde0 00000000 00000000 015d65b0 00000000 00000000 00000000 0120a094 0062f644 0173cde0 00000001 0000000f 00000000

It happens under a number of situations; none of which, in my mind, are valid to produce such an error. My system is not tricked-out in ANY way. I have more than enough Ram, my grafx card (ATI Rage Fury 128 w/32meg) drivers are "up-to-the-minute", i'm running the exact same OS (Win 98) as i have been for Xara 2 (which runs flawlessly i might add).

After a file has been opened/created for about 10-15 minutes, using these tools/functions causes the aforementioned error:

Repeatly causes error:

- adjusting the size of a Fractal Fill
- adjusting the effect of a Repeating Gradient Fill
- adjusting the smoothing amount of a Feather setting
- almost ANYthing to do with Transparency and/or it's settings

1x errors:

- adjusting a bevel's width
- adjusting a shadow's smoothness

Other notes:

The program seems incapable of remembering my default template settings, and even refused to open on 1 occassion.

The program keeps adding duplicate colour swatches to the front (left side) of my swatch strip - so far just White & Black. And it will not remember my 'visible' swatch defaults for my template either.

After 10-15 minutes, on my last occassion, the icons began to appear corrupted as i touched or moved anything. A few seconds later, it crashed.

Final notes:

I am NOT doing anything extreme that would/should cause the program to have a heart attack. All i'm trying to do is get a feel for how the new tools work and see what they're capable of.
And in case anyone's wondering, yes, i've unIstalled and reInstalled the program, once.

To say the least, i'm now thoroughly UNimpressed. And as i said before...
I waited THIS long... for THIS!!??? Aaaaagh!!!

PS: my guess is it's not getting along with my grafx card/drivers. [img]/infopop/emoticons/icon_mad.gif[/img]
