
Here are a couple of bugs I have found Xara Designer Pro v10 (v10.1.5.37495) on Win 7x64):

1. If I do a horizontal flip of an arrow, it loses it position completely and shoots to the extreme left border of the diagram's total area.

2. Strange things are also happening with the point of rotation for rotating shapes.

e.g. If I move the point of rotation for a shape and then do a right click drag to duplicate a shape, the centre of rotation stays where it was (!) even though the new shape is in a new place.
This can make rotating a shape painful if you have moved you shapes any significant distance. In fact sometimes a newly created shape from scratch.
Or maybe this is a "feature" - an irritating one if so!


PS Wait I've just worked out that when I do a horizontal or vertical flip, it seems to be flipping the other side of the point of rotation