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  1. #21

    Default Re: Photo and Graphics Designer - Can I really only use 12 percent of my memory?

    Could you suggest different vector software that would suit my usage more?
    Xara Designer Pro could be one of the options...

    I've only ever used Xara P&G, Inkscape and the old Sodipodi so I dont have experience with all the different offerings out there.

    I need easy batch importing, large file size handling or linked images option instead of embedding and 64 bit capability.

    Also can I ask, how long is a Xara product usually still current / usable supported etc.

    I originally bought P&G Designer 7 from Xara at the full price but by the time the cd actually arrived it had been replaced by P&G 2013, so I emailed and said it was already obsolete before I opened the box! lol
    So they sent the new version which was very good of them.

    But my question is, if I did buy the top Designer pro just to get 64 bit processing, if it had all the features I needed already, how long would it be usable into the future without rebuying a newer versions? ie. as an investment as you say. This is probably relevant to all software.
    Last edited by Forumarian; 13 February 2015 at 10:12 AM.




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