Heyas. I'm a 'tryin-to-become' offsite int. freelancer in the web design/develop area. I have experience, education, portfolio etc. but... To the point - I have been trying to get some freelance job over past 2 months at the freelance web stations (like elance, smarterwork, elance 2000 etc...) but it kinda actually su*ks being among 60-80 other candidates, and you're not even sure if project-offering-person/company will ever choose candidate or cancel the whole project (I have some 'didnt-pick-a-contractor-45 days after bidding was over' projects still in my 'pending' area).

Could anyone give me an advice on finding freelance jobs around the net? Please...
(Or even better, is there anyone who knows someone who is hiring offsite freelancers?)

About me: I'm resident of Croatia (Dunno if its a drawback being an outsider-country resident, tho my rates are considerably low), I'm BS in Computer Science - Graphics Design, and I have some International experience already (Tho that was on reference basis). For something that I have created, u can check AC TIPs, or see some templates for Croatian IT Portal at Template for PC Ekspert. - I also encourage you to criticise this work (Mebbe I just suck?)

Well, thats it, I would appreciate ANY answer. Thanks in advance...


Ivan Solaja, ]isolaja@bbm.hr

P.S. Spelling/typing probably su*ck, sorry bout that.